The Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre, or the JALLC, carries out various analysis and Lessons Learned activities for the Alliance. Although the JALLC was originally conceived to primarily analyse exercises, changes to the NATO environment and growing NATO involvement in operations resulted in the JALLC’s activities shifting to analysis of operations and major NATO Response Force exercises. As the Alliance’s focus has shifted, so too has the focus of the JALLC which, these days, is involved in a wide range of activities which you can explore on this website and include: analysis, Lessons Learned, managing the NATO Lessons Learned Portal and its content, and providing analysis and Lessons Learned support to exercises and operations.
The JALLC also provides training opportunities in a multitude of related and relevant areas such as, the JALLC Analyst Training Course, the NATO Lessons Learned Staff Officer Course, and tailored training provided to NATO entities, Nations, and partners as part of the JALLC’s outreach programme provided by its JALLC Advisory and Training Team (JATT). The JATT is also responsible for assessing and advising on the implementation of the NATO Lessons Learned Capability and helps to ensure a consistent and robust capability and good Lessons Learned relationships with Member Nations and Partner Nations.
The JALLC provides support to NATO’s Lessons Learned community in many ways, including through organizing the NATO Lesson Learned Conference, which covers topical themes and draws participants from across NATO, Partner Nations, and other organizations.
There are 50 peacetime established posts for both military and civilians at the JALLC, with individuals coming from 15 to 20 different NATO Member Nations. The JALLC hosts one Partnership for Peace officer and four posts from the NATO Communication and Information Agency Support Element. The Commander serves a three-year tour and is required to be a one-star General or Flag Officer from either Romania or Portugal on an alternate basis.
Commander JALLC
Commodore António Neves Correia, Portuguese Navy, Commander JALLC
Commodore António José de Jesus Neves Correia was born in Lisbon on 21 December 1966. He joined the Portuguese Naval Academy in 1985 and graduated in 1990.
Up until 1998 he served aboard various vessels, including the patrol boat N.R.P. GEBA and as part of the inaugural crew aboard the fleet tanker N.R.P. BÉRRIO’S as Communications Officer and as Executive Officer and Operations Officer on board the N.R.P. OLIVEIRA E CARMO. Commodore Neves Correia has taken part in a wide variety of missions, including the Preliminary Safety Training in Plymouth and Operation SHARP GUARD in the Adriatic Sea.
Ashore, from May 1998 to July 2002, he was assigned to the Naval Tactical Training Centre, in the Command and Control Warfare area, of the Training and Education departments. During this period, he was the national representative in several working groups in Brussels and took part in the evaluation team of the Flotilha, which is responsible for the Frigate Squadron operational training. He was promoted to Lieutenant Commander in 2002, and served in the Legal Department of the Naval Staff for four years, where he also taught.
In July 2006, he took over the command of N.R.P. BÉRRIO, until December 2007, when he was appointed as Head of the Legal Department of the Naval Staff. From February 2011 to March 2016, he then served as Military Advisor to the President of the Portuguese Republic, following which he was posted to the Portuguese Military Mission to NATO and the EU, in Brussels, as Deputy Chief until October 2019.
In October 2021, he assumed the Head of the Personnel Division of the Naval Staff, until March 2022 when he was promoted to the rank of commodore, and appointed as Navy Personnel Director until February 2023, when he took office as Head of the Military Strategic Planning Division in the Armed Forces General Staff.
Commodore Neves Correia is a Principal Warfare Officer-Communications specialist. He holds a law degree from the University of Lisbon and has completed several NATO and national courses, such as the Flag Officer Course, the General Naval Warfare Course, and the NATO Advanced Electronic Warfare Course and the Operational Law Course in Oberammergau.
Chief of Staff JALLC
Colonel Nuno Ferreira Lopes, Portuguese Army, Chief of Staff JALLC
Colonel Nuno Ferreira Lopes was born in Lisbon in 1972 and joined the Army Military Academy in 1990, completing the Artillery course in 1995. He was then assigned to the Anti-Aircraft Artillery Centre in Cascais, where he served as a platoon commander and instructor, specializing in anti-aircraft artillery systems, shooting, and physical education, among other areas.
Pursuing his expertise in physical training, he earned a degree in Physical Education from the Faculty of Human Kinetics at the University of Lisbon. This led to his role as a Physical Education Instructor at the Military Academy in Lisbon and the former Military Centre of Physical Education and Sports in Mafra. In 2007, he was deployed as an advisor for Portuguese Military Technical Cooperation at the Marechal Samora Machel Military Academy in Nampula, Mozambique, where he served for 14 months.
As a senior officer, after completing the Portuguese Staff Course, he was assigned to the Land Forces Command’s Planning Department, where he worked directly with Army forces deployed to NATO, UN, and EU missions in Afghanistan, Kosovo, Lebanon, and other regions. During this period, he was also deployed for 10 months as an Intelligence Officer with the European Union Training Mission Somalia.
In September 2014, he became Head of the Physical Education and Shooting Section of the Army at the former Instruction and Doctrine Command (now the Department of Formation) in Évora. In 2016, after attending the Command and Staff Course in Brazil, he served as Head of the Artillery Department at the School of Arms in Mafra.
From 2017 to 2020, he was assigned to the Naval Striking and Support Forces NATO (STRIKFORNATO) in Oeiras, Portugal, as a Land Logistics Planner. In this role, he participated in several NATO exercises, including Trident Juncture 2018 and Trident Jupiter 2019.
During the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, he assumed the role of Deputy Commander of the 5th Artillery Regiment in Vendas Novas, actively contributing to pandemic response efforts. His responsibilities included leading population awareness initiatives, coordinating decontamination operations at public aid facilities, and supporting isolation and recovery centres.
Since 2022, he has been involved in Portuguese Defence Cooperation efforts, initially within the Army Commander's Office and later at the National Defence Policy Directorate. His work focuses on strengthening military institutions in Portuguese-speaking African countries and East Timor by deploying Military Advisory Teams, facilitating military training, and coordinating hospital assistance programs in Portugal.