The NATO Lessons Learned Portal (NLLP) is NATO’s centralized hub for all NATO Lessons Learned information and is managed by the JALLC. Observations, Lessons, and Lessons Learned-related documents can be submitted to the NLLP from all over NATO and Partner Nations. The NLLP ensures that this valuable information finds its way through the NATO Lessons Learned Process, which is how we learn as an organization and transform the Alliance. The NLLP is effectively the gateway to the NATO Lessons Learned Process. The NLLP also contains dedicated areas for Lessons Learned Communities of Interest which are set up for specific communities, allowing them to capture, manage, and share their topic-specific Lessons Learned information. These Communities of Interest can be requested by a sponsor organization and are set up by the NLLP managers at the JALLC but managed and populated by the sponsor organization. For example, the NLLP currently hosts Communities of Interest for Geospatial, Counter -Improvised Explosive Devices, Cyber Defence, and many more. The NLLP is also able to support the planning of Lessons Learned activities and includes an interface with dedicated Lessons Learned courses. Constructive feedback on the NLLP is always welcome using the Discussion Forum feature within the NLLP.
NATO Lessons Learned Portal
In 2013, the NLLP replaced the NATO Lessons Learned Database, allowing greater collaboration and sharing of information related to Lessons Learned. The JALLC developed and manages the NLLP in coordination with HQ Supreme Allied Commander Transformation and SHAPE. The NLLP is available in two versions: one on the NATO Unclassified network accessible via the internet, and one that can be accessed on the NATO Secret network. Developed using SharePoint technology as the basis, the NLLP is a platform to search for previous Lessons Learned by the whole NATO community, track the status of submitted observations as it moves through the NATO Lessons Learned Process, a place to share documents, announce Lessons Learned events (such as the annual NATO Lessons Learned Conference), and to share event outcomes.
The NLLP is managed by the NLLP managers in the JALLC's Lessons Learned Management Division, in coordination with HQ Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (HQ SACT) and SHAPE. The management tasks can be divided into three core activities: managing the NLLP’s content; assisting and facilitating the organization of Lessons Learned related activities and events via the NLLP; and providing support to the NLLP users.
The NLLP managers facilitate the uploading Lessons Learned related documents, announcements, and news, and ensure that the information provided by NLLP users comply with the correct format and security rules. The NLLP managers also work closely with the Lessons Learned Communities of Interest administrators to develop and maintain their respective sites. Finally, the NLLP managers ensure that the NATO Lessons Learned Point of Contact list is properly updated, and facilitate discussions in the NLLP forum.
The NLLP User Manual, which can be downloaded from the NLLP website after signing in, contains detailed information on how to get the most out of the NLLP and includes step by step guides and useful tips.
The NLLP managers are always ready to help those wishing to join and contribute to the NLLP and/or those using the information provided on the NLLP. Please contact the NLLP team for more information.
The NLLP forms the gateway to the NATO Lessons Learned Process: the way NATO transforms observations made in the field (or at the desk) into real changes to improve the Alliance.
The NATO Lessons Learned Process is made up of two phases (Analysis and Implementation) and a number of steps that transition an observation to a Lesson Learned or Best Practice. These steps are mirrored in the NLLP to facilitate electronic tracking/staffing of lessons through the NATO Lessons Learned Process.
These steps are then managed and monitored by staff responsible for the various steps of the process, from the person who made the Observation and recorded it in the NLLP, to the subject matter expert who analyses the root cause and offers potential solutions, to the Commander of the entity that is ultimately tasked with making the change. It is this process that ensures that NATO remains a learning organization.
In addition to the management of the NATO Lessons Learned Portal (NLLP) itself, the JALLC provides Active Content Management of the NLLP, which is defined as a continuous activity that includes analysis and assessment of data and information, to monitor and assess the conduct of the Lessons Learned Process, to reach out to the Originating Authority, Tasking Authority and Action Body for coordination and advice as required, to identify trends and strategic lessons, to monitor lessons from major NATO events (exercises and operations) and to push information to relevant authorities.
The JALLC conducts Active Content Management through the delivery of routine, ad-hoc and NLLP data visualization products, in addition to reaching out to various NATO bodies for clarification on NLLP items or to facilitate Lessons Learned Information sharing. The main deliverables are described below.
Routine products. These are periodic reports which present an analysis of the NLLP content over the reporting period. Examples include: monthly reports based on all NLLP content; monthly reports on specific NLLP activities, such as COVID-19; and bi-annual reports produced for key Lessons Learned events, such as Fall/Spring Lessons Learned week.
Ad-hoc products. These aim to present a summary of the NLLP content relating to a topic of interest specified by the NATO customer. Previous topics include: resilience, suppression of enemy air defence, maritime and land materiel standardization/interoperability, and Unmanned Aerial System/Vehicle integration. These products have been used by customers to inform discussions at national or NATO committees and working groups, as well as to inform capability development and potential doctrinal changes.
NLLP data visualization. The JALLC has developed a number of interactive tools that enable NLLP users to quickly access tailored and relevant NLLP data to support reporting, monitoring and information sharing. The tools include dashboards and storyboards covering all NLLP data or focusing on specific topics of interest. Within Active Content Management, tools are used to monitor the conduct of the Lessons Learned process, push graphical Lessons Learned information to stakeholders, and produce graphics for Active Content Management products.
This image depicts the status and progression of COVID-19 activity items in the Tracking Area
and Main Library of the NATO Unclassified and NATO Secret NLLP by 30 November 2020.
The Active Content Management area in the NLLP (login required) has been developed to promote the sharing and utilisation of these Active Content Management products. This area can be accessed on both the NATO Unclassified and NATO Secret NLLP, which contain different products depending on the document classification.
If you are a member of NATO and are interested in requesting an NLLP Active Content Management ad-hoc product on a specific topic of interest, please contact the JALLC using the contact details found in the Active Content Management area in the NLLP (login required).