
In over two decades of operation, the JALLC has had nine directors and commanders. These directors and commanders, from five different Nations, each brought their own unique perspectives and experiences to the JALLC and reflect the multinational and multicultural spirit of the Alliance.  

The JALLC’s very first Commander (the JALLC first had Directors) was Brigadier General Jorgen Hansen-Nord.  He first took up directorship of the JALLC in 2007, and became the JALLC’s first Commander in January 2009, leading the JALLC until Brigadier General Peter Sonneby took over in March 2010. The General, now retired from active service, played a critical role in shaping the JALLC we know today, as it evolved to meet the Nations’ and Alliance’s needs.

Pic Gen HN Old.pngIn December 2023, the JALLC was honoured by a visit from General Hansen-Nord, at the invitation of the JALLC’s present commander, Commodore Fernando Artilheiro. The two commanders took the opportunity to discuss the past, the present, and indeed the future of the JALLC. Commodore Artilheiro noted: “It has been a privilege and extremely informative to talk to this former JALLC Commander. To gain the insights and experience of a fellow COM JALLC provides me with an invaluable resource. To understand the JALLC’s history is to be prepared for its future. I thank General Hansen-Nord for taking the time to visit the JALLC and share his stories from his time as the commander.”  ​​​​​​​

(Picture: General Hansen-Nord as he took command of the JALLC, first as a Director in 2007 nad then as the JALLC's Commander in 2009)

General Hansen-Nord took the opportunity to catch up with some of the JALLC’s staff who served under him when he commanded the JALLC. He also attended the JALLC’s Christmas Dinner where he was received as a guest of honour and addressed the JALLC staff in a toast.

There is no doubt that any commander (or director in the case of the JALLC) brings their own brand of leadership to the unit they assume command of. In the NATO context this is perhaps even more noticeable than in a national context as NATO entities are staffed jointly: both in the sense that all services are represented as well as the fact that they are multinational. It’s one of those unique aspects that makes NATO the diverse and multi-everything organization that it is. 

You can read more about teh JALLC's history and its previous directors and commanders in the 2022 edition of The Explorer. You can download a copy here.