
On 30 November 2023, Her Excellency, Ms Elisabeth Eklund, Ambassador of Sweden to Portugal, honoured the JALLC with a visit ahead of the expected accession of Sweden to the Alliance. The visit, not only confirms Sweden’s commitment to NATO, but also the JALLC’s commitment to strengthening its ties with Sweden and fostering a cooperative environment in which Nations can work effectively with and within the Alliance.P1180507.JPG

During the visit, Ms Eklund had the opportunity to find out more about the JALLC’s role in NATO as the lead agent for Lessons Learned and an analysis hub for complex NATO-wide issues such as the recent studies looking at potential lessons from Russia's War against Ukraine and an in-depth analysis of NATO’s Technical Exploitation and Battlefield Evidence capabilities

P1180523.JPGAs Sweden moves closer to becoming an Ally, this visit emphasizes the commitment of both Sweden and NATO to working together for a secure future. The JALLC looks forward to continue to foster the good relationship with Sweden.