
The JALLC recently published one of its Factsheets summarizing the work that it has conducted in 2023 on its Observations from Russia’s war against Ukraine. The JALLC produced three reports on the topic in 2023, reporting on Ukraine-related entries submitted to the NATO Lessons Learned Portal (NLLP), an analysis of relevant open-source publications, and an overview of observations extracted from a range of sources including from NATO Nations, NATO HQs, and again, from open-source material.

NATO SECGEN_UKR Pres.jpgThe collective Key Takeaways from the JALLC’s reports are presented in the factsheet and range from private sector support to civilian resilience.  The factsheet concludes that new realities of war are emerging characterized by, among other factors, extensive use of drones, increasing need to utilize specialized services provided by the private sector, false-flag operations awash with fake videos and disinformation, and a rethink on how to sustain masses of troops in an high-intensity fight throughout a long-haul operation.

You can download a copy of the factsheet here, and copies of the reports mentioned in this factsheet can be requested from the JALLC upon demonstration of the appropriate security clearances.

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You can also read more about the JALLC’s work with the Ukraine in the latest edition of The Explorer. The article on the JALLC’s Support to NATO’s Response to Russia’s War Against Ukraine presents, in more detail, not only the JALLC’s analysis work, but also the valuable support provided by the NLLP team to help the Ukrainian forces develop their own national Lessons Learned Portal.
