Communication is Key – JALLC participates in ACT Communication Days
Last week the JALLC welcomed colleagues specialized in communications and public affairs from its Superior Command, HQ Supreme Allied Command Transformation (HQ SACT) and its two sister commands: the Joint Warfare Centre (JWC) and the Joint Force Training Centre (JFTC). The aim of the two-day meeting was to align communications plans, discuss developments in the field of NATO communications and public affairs, and share ideas and experiences for the coming year.
The JALLC’s Public Affairs and Protocol Officer, LTC Sonia Guerra Vicente, and the JALLC’s Editor, Ms Jodie Lazell, attended the meetings over the course of the two days, presenting the JALLC’s communications plan for 2024 and some of the highlights planned for the year ahead such as the upcoming NATO Lessons Learned Conference in April and the celebrations around NATO’s 75th anniversary.
Time was taken by the whole ACT-team to go over NATO’s Communications Strategy for 2024, ensuring that each HQ understands where it fits in to the bigger NATO picture and how we can all ensure that NATO’s core aims are communicated effectively to NATO audiences. The JALLC will contribute to this strategy by promoting the products it develops including its Analysis Reports, Training Courses, and managing the NATO Lessons Learned Portal. You can read more about what the JALLC does and its products on this website.