From 31 January to 02 February the JALLC’s Advisory and Training Team (the JATT) deployed to Sofia, Republic of Bulgaria, to train the staff of the Crisis Management and Disaster Response (CMDR) Centre of Excellence (CoE).
The aim of the JATT engagement was to provide Lessons Learned (LL) training to LL Staff Officers, LL Points of Contact, and CMDR Key Leaders. The three-day course was attended by 20 participants and covered topics relating to LL analysis, the NATO LL Portal, and the NATO LL Capability and Process.
The course was a great success as the first of the JATT’s LL training engagements for 2023. Participants noted that they felt more equipped to develop their LL capability and more confident in using the NLLP.
LL Outreach and Engagement are just one of the JALLC’s key activities that serve to ensure that the NATO LL Capability is developed and understood throughout NATO and among the Allies and Partner Nations. You can find out more about the JALLC’s outreach activities here.