On 21 February 2023, the JALLC received a visit from the Chief of the Headquarters of the Estonian Defence Forces, Brigadier General (BGEN) Enno Mõts together with Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Tiit Paljak (Lessons Learned Branch Chief / J7 Training Department). The aim of the visit was for BGEN Enno Mõts to gain a better understanding of JALLC’s mission and its role as NATO’s Lead Agent for Lessons Learned, its activities, objectives, and successes, and to further gain insights as to how the Estonian Lessons Learned process and tools could potentially be improved.
After an office call with the JALLC’s Commander (Commodore Fernando Artilheiro) and Chief of Staff (Colonel Manuel Rosa), the Estonian party received a briefing on the JALLC, with a particular focus on the JALLC’s Lessons Learned activities, delivered by the Lessons Learned Management Division Head, Colonel Arturo Sabando. After the briefing, LTC Paljak met with the JALLC’s NATO Lessons Learned Portal team and the JALLC Advisory and Training Team to discuss the JALLC’s Lessons Learned activities at the working level.
The Headquarters of the Estonian Defence Forces is the working body of the national Chief of the Defence Forces. The General Staff is a joint staff engaged with operational leadership, training and development of the Defence Forces. Operational leadership is implemented by the Operational Staff, which plans and controls operations and ensures defence readiness and mobilisation. One of the tasks is to monitor and analyse the fulfilment of tasks of the troops, staffs and institutions subordinated to it and, if necessary, provides respective assistance.
BGEN Mõts noted that the visit had been very beneficial and that they had gained greater awareness of the JALLC’s activities and of Lessons Learned in NATO more generally.