JALLC Useful Information
The JALLC publishes brochures on various topics relevant to the JALLC and its work. Currently the following brochures are available and can be downloaded below:
JALLC Brochure
This brochure provides information on the JALLC and its key activities. The JALLC is NATO's lead agent for Lessons Learned. The JALLC achieves its mission through the collection, analysis, and dissemination of Lessons-related information. The NATO Lessons Learned Portal is NATO's primary tool to manage and analyse all Lessons-related information. This Portal, developed and actively managed by the JALLC, is the Alliance’s Lessons Learned hub and forms in addition an integral part of the Lessons Learned Process. Upon tasking, the JALLC conducts Joint Analysis projects on NATO-wide, enduring, and complex issues, providing recommendations in order to improve current NATO capabilities and support future capability development.
In May 2023, the JALLC organized a Workshop in partnership with a NATO Science and Technology Organization (STO) Research Task Group (SAS-IST-179) on Semantic Representation to Enhance Exploitation of Military Lessons Learned. The workshop explored how semantic representation could be used to enhance LL exploitation in future AI–driven LL systems. NATO and many nations are currently working on modernizing and transforming their LL systems to increase the automation of LL activities. Semantic representation enhances the ability of machines to understand context, and offers the potential for future LL tools to be smarter and more automated.
In this factsheet you can read about the workshop and the work doen by particpants to develop User Stories which, combined with User Journeys and Imaginary Futuristic LL Tools will inform detailed Use Case development by the STO Research Task Group. In turn, the Use Cases will inform the pre-capability development phase of the NATO LL Toolset, which is mapped out under the Innovation Line of Effort in the NATO LL Capability Improvement Roadmap 2021-2025.