
On 3 September 2014, the Director of the NATO Command and Control Centre of Excellence ( C2COE), Capt Gerrit Nijenhuis with a delegation of his Command visited the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre. The intention of the visit was to exchange information between the two organizations about the current Programs of Work, capabilities, and visions for the near future as well as to get familiarized on specific activities of each organization.

The visit started with an office call with the Commander JALLC, Brigadier General Mircea Mîndrescu. Afterwards, the C2COE delegation was briefed by the JALLC Chief Of Staff, Colonel Jorge Gomes and his staff on its organization, mission and current projects. On his turn Captain Nijenhuis briefed the JALLC about the COE's in general and more specific the specializations of the C2COE.

After lunch discussions were held and specific issues were agreed upon of how both organizations could help each other and contribute in their respective Programs of Work. At the end of the visit both parties concluded to intensify mutual support and cooperation and to establish a more firm connection between the two organizations.

During the visit the Book of Honour was signed, gifts were exchanged and a group photo was taken.