On September 9th, in an elegant and friendly setting, JALLC celebrated its 12th Anniversary in the Monsanto Officers Mess. Together with the JALLC personnel, Ambassadors or Heads of Diplomatic Missions from NATO countries were present along with high ranking military officers from the host nation, Portugal. Military Attachés residing in Portugal also took part in the manifestation.
After welcoming his guests, Brigadier General Mircea Mîndrescu, Commander of the JALLC, mentioned in his speech that the JALLC has a capability unique in NATO, being NATO’s leading agent for joint analysis, with fundamental contributions regarding NATO Lessons Learned capability and NATO education. An organization focused on improving the capabilities of the Alliance, on the Alliance’s adaptation and transformation to successfully face the challenges of our times.
The JALLC Commander expressed his gratitude to the personnel of the JALLC for their hard work and achievements and thanked the representatives of the host nation, Portugal, for their paramount support to the JALLC.
Brigadier General Mîndrescu ended his speech by addressing his deep appreciation for all the representatives of allied nations and partners, to the representatives of other brotherly NATO organizations based in Portugal, to all the people present for their continued support and friendship.