
On the 13th of August, Colonel Eduard Simion (ROU A), Director NATO HUMINT Centre Of Excellence ( HUMINT COE), visited the JALLC. The aim of the visit was to familiarize Colonel Simion with the JALLC Command Level, the JALLC Program Of Work, current activities and the NATO Lessons Learned Process and Portal.

After a short office call with Brigadier General Mîndrescu, Commander of the JALLC, Colonel Simion was presented with a Command Briefing about the JALLC and potential items of co-operation between both organizations. Colonel Simion provided a short presentation as well about the current HUMINT COE activities and intentions for the future. During an active discussion, both parties agreed to establish direct contacts on a number of mutual issues and to improve the already good relationship between both Centres.

The visit was closed with a signature in the Book of Honour and gift exchanging, followed by a group picture in front of the JALLC building, and there was a promise from Col Simion that a Delegation of the HUMINT COE will be present in the NATO Lessons Learned Conference 2014, in Lisbon, between the 21st and the 23rd of October.