On Monday, 22 October 2012, the Vice Director, Joint Force Development, J7, US Joint Staff, MG Michael Stough visited the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre ( JALLC) in Lisbon, Portugal, prior to attending the NATO Lessons Learned Conference.
The visit began with the welcome by the JALLC Commander, Brigadier General Peter Sonneby. During an office call with the JALLC Commander, MG Stough received an update on the JALLC’s on-going projects and also discussed key aspects of the NATO Lessons Learned Conference. He specifically noted and expressed keen interest in the JALLC’s Healthcare Study Project and offered to collaborate with the JALLC. Lastly, MG Stough highlighted his desire to strengthen the coordination between his J7 staff and the JALLC on projects, as is the case with the on-going Anti-Corruption in NATO Operations JALLC Project.
MG Stough concluded his visit by signing the JALLC Book of Honour.