The JALLC is NATO’s centre dedicated to support and enable the Alliance-wide implementation, sustainment, and development of NATO’s Lessons Learned policy and capability. It is a catalyst for change—able to harness the past to prepare for the future—, enabling the Alliance to learn faster and better, while supporting a culture of continuous learning and improvement, enhancing NATO’s performance and readiness, steadfastly anchored to the future, fostering innovation for learning at the speed of relevance.
All JALLC Analysis is conducted to the highest standards of professionalism ensuring quality and rigour of the all content published under the JALLC’s logo. JALLC analysis is conducted by mixed teams of military and civilian analysts who together bring their wealth of experience and expertise to deliver a product with analytical rigor and military relevance. JALLC analysts receive training in the way JALLC does analysis,
based on the JALLC Analysis Handbook, and are supported
through their projects by senior analysts acting as a technical lead.
The JALLC Analysis Handbook is key to the success of JALLC Analysis and the products the JALLC develops to support NATO’s continuous adaptation and transformation. This year, Katie Mauldin—the Senior Operational Research Analyst for the JALLC’s Lessons Learned Analysis Division—revamped the old Joint Analysis Handbook (previous editions picture above right), which had served the JALLC for over a decade, into a new JALLC Analysis Handbook—fully up to date with the latest analysis methods and techniques, with tips and tricks on how to ensure that an analysis project runs smoothly and with the desired outcome.
Although the handbook is written specifically with the JALLC Analyst in mind, the principles presented in the handbook are industry standard and applicable to a much wider audience. Staff at other NATO bodies with Lessons Learned and Analysis responsibilities as part of their mission, such as the Joint Warfare Centre, Joint Force Training Centre, the NATO-accredited Centres of Excellence, and the soon-to-be-established NATO-Ukraine Joint Analysis Training and Education Centre will all benefit from this product. If you’re interested in finding out how the JALLC does analysis, or perhaps you want to learn how to conduct a successful analysis project yourself, download the handbook here and get reading.