On Monday, 19 September, the Chief of Staff, NCSA, Rear Admiral Di Cecco, visited the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre ( JALLC) in Lisbon, Portugal..
Rear Admiral Di Cecco, attended the NCLB ( NCSA Sector Lisbon) change of command and after the ceremony, COS NCSA came to JALLC to pay a visit to NSE Monsanto and have an office call with Com JALLC, Gen Peter Sonneby.
During the office call matters of actual concern were discussed, such as the NCSA reorganization and the possible consequences, together with the reorganization of the NATO geographical footprint and how it will affect the Iberian Peninsula.
RA Di Cecco ensured COM JALLC that the CIS support provided by NSE Monsanto will never standstill during all transition phases, and that NCSA and the future C&I agency under which the various CIS agencies will be collected, will fulfil its obligation at any time. After the office call RA Di Cecco signed the JALLC Book of Honour and expressed his appreciation for a fruitful visit.