
On Tuesday 6 September 2011, the ACOS Programme & Planning Management ( PPM) from ACT, MGen Jon Lilland visited the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre ( JALLC) in Monsanto, Lisbon Portugal.

MGen Lilland was welcomed by the JALLC Commander, Brigadier General Peter Sonneby. After a courtesy call with Commander JALLC, MGen Lilland was briefed on the role, responsibilities and activities of the JALLC. This was followed by more detailed briefings on a number of subjects areas including: the Programme of Work process; Lessons Learned Portal; JALLC Project Approach; Lessons Learned Training; and the JALLC Advisory and Training Team. On completion of the briefings, MGen Lilland signed the JALLC Book of Honour and expressed his appreciation for the efforts into making his visit so informative and stated that he was looking forward to working closely with the JALLC during his tenure as ACOS PPM.

MGen Lilland’s visit also coincided with the celebration of the JALLC's 9th birthday and he joined the staff of the JALLC in a short ceremony to commemorate this event.