The NATO LL Conference was held in October 2019 and invited participants from all over NATO, the Nations , and NATO' s Partners, as well as subject matter experts from industry and academia to consider the conference theme: Improving the NATO LL Capability to Enhance NATO' s Warfighting Capability. The NATO LL Conference Magazine provides an overview of the key note speeches, presentations, and other activities that took place during the course of the three days dedicated to all things Lessons Learned.
You can read the JALLC Commander’s Editorial setting out his take on what was discussed and achieved during his first NATO LL Conference; you can read the wrap up of the panels that took place; but you can also find out how New Technologies are continuing to shape the future of Lessons Learned in NATO. We hope you enjoy reading this magazine and look forward to seeing you at the next edition of the NATO LL Conference in 2021.
Read more on the NATO Lessons Learned Conference 2019 Magazine