This year’s conference will return to a more traditional conference format with a fascinating variety of speakers from NATO, Nations, Partners and Academia. You will have the chance to share insights into the latest LL developments in NATO, engage with leadership perspectives on LL, learn from studies into what works and what doesn’t work and how to incorporate best practices into your everyday work, discover new tools to support your work, and be part of the requirements definition for NATO's new LL toolset
Among our distinguished speakers this year, we are honoured to welcome General Ilmars Lejins, NATO HQ SACT Assistant Chief of Staff Joint Forces Development, Rear Admiral James A. Kirk, Chief of Staff NATO Joint Warfare Centre and published authors Prof. Heidi Hard and Dr Tom Dyson.
We will also use a new high tech approach to audience participation which will enable your full active participation throughout. We look forward you joining us and the rest of the NATO LL Community for a riveting three days at our modern beachfront conference venue.
Photos by NOVA SBE and JALLC