About the Day
Hungarian Republic Day is celebrated every year on 23 October. On this day the Hungarian people commemorate two great events in Hungary's history. The First, is the Hungarian Revolution which was the uprising of the Hungarian people against the Soviet Union, the communist regime, and its oppression, and took place on 23 October 1956. The second event commemorated on this day, is the creation of Hungary as a republic in 1989.
Most of all I miss my family of course and our friends.
What do you find rewarding about working in a multinational environment like JALLC?
As this is my first time working in NATO, after my first four months, I can say that I really enjoy this environment. I appreciate the welcoming yet professional attitude of all of the staff. I also enjoy learning about the different cultures and points of view of the different Nations here at the JALLC.
What is something unique in Portugal that others may not know?
I think that Portugal, mainly Lisboa, is in some ways similar to Hungary regarding the architecture, the transport, the river in the city… And I would like to highlight the welcoming and peaceful character of the Portuguese people.
However, my Hungarian friends back home will just not believe me about the temperature of the ocean in the summer time which is cold to the bone.
This public holidays is widely celebrated throughout the country with festive events and activities.
Here in Portugal, in honour of the past, my personal commemoration is to pause and think of those who fell as victims during the revolution.