About the Day
On 29 October 1923, the status of our country was declared as a republic and its official name was proclaimed to be “Türkiye Cumhuriyeti” (The Republic of Türkiye). After that, a vote was held in the Grand National Assembly, and Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was elected as the first President of the Republic of Türkiye. This year, is extra special because it is the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Türkiye.
Following World War 1, almost all of the Ottoman Empire in Türkiye was under Allied rule. Frustrated by the government’s inability to fight the occupation, many chose to join the growing resistance movement, which led to the War of Independence (1919 – 1923). Ghazi Mustafa Kemal led us to victory and freed the country from the occupation in July 1923. The modern borders of Türkiye were then internationally recognized by the Treaty of Lausanne, and the Republic of Türkiye was then officially proclaimed on 29 October 1923.
What do you miss most about home?
Mostly friends and family, but also some special Turkish dishes.
What do you find rewarding about working in a multinational environment like JALLC?
Working in the JALLC is a great pleasure for me. Although the number of staff is small, it is a very multinational community with staff from 20 different Nations. It is a please to work in an environment where everyone, from all these different Nations, is working in harmony with each other, for the same purpose. Everybody here is always kind to each other and very dedicated to their work, which makes JALLC very unique.
What is something unique in Portugal that others may not know?
For me it is the unspoiled environment, the very friendly peaceful people, and a great mixture of modern life and history as well architecture. Living in the country of “the explorers” is another exciting aspect.
How do you usually celebrate this national day (in Portugal or in your country)?
The celebrations for Republic Day in Türkiye last longer than just one day; they actually last for 35 hours starting on the afternoon of 28 October. In the morning of 29 October, the celebrations start with the President of the Turkish Republic and other state officials’ visit to “Anıtkabir” -The Mausoleum of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, in Ankara.
During the celebrations, schools put on performances, special documentaries and films are shown on TV, and there are parades, music, dance, and speeches in town squares around the country. Also special visits are arranged to “Anitkabir” by citizens from all over the country. On national days, Anıtkabir is always full of people, who come to pay their respects to the man who gave them the independence and the modern lifestyle they have today.
My family and I are planning to celebrate the day together with our Turkish friends here in Portugal and in the evening, we will be watching the celebrations and parades that will place in Türkiye on this very special day. Also on our National Days, there is always a special reception at the Turkish Embassy in Lisbon.