
From 11 to 15 July 2016, NATO Joint Air Power specialists met at the JALLC’s facilities in Lisbon, Portugal in order to develop a common understanding of how the application of Joint Air Power supports NATO’s objectives. The outcome of the workshop is the first step in the development of a Joint Air Power Strategy for the Alliance.

During the workshop, participants exchanged views on the evolving security environment which requires the Alliance to maintain its ability to respond to crises while adapting its deterrence and defence posture and its ability to project stability. The participants analysed various aspects of the Joint Air Power capability, a capability that has proven to be an essential aspect of ensuring NATO achieves its three core tasks: collective defence, crisis management, and cooperative security. In this respect, the workshop determined that, NATO’s Joint Air Power capability will need to evolve and adapt to meet future challenges and to ensure its four Strategic Military Effects: Deterrence; Protection; Containment; and Projection of Stability can be attained.