
On 18 July 2016, Major General Tim Bevis, UK Royal Marines, Director of the Operations and Planning Division of the International Military Staff (IMS) visited the JALLC. During his visit, Major General Bevis was briefed by the JALLC's command group and certain key members of staff on the JALLC's mission, tasks, and activities. The Major General also had the opportunity to exchange ideas with some of the JALLC's civilian and military analysts and learned about the status of several ongoing joint analysis projects. Special emphasis was placed on a recent study the JALLC conducted regarding NATO Crisis Management Exercise 2016; an exercise of particular interest for the IMS.

Major General Bevis was also briefed on theJALLC's activities with regard to NATO's Lessons Learned process and procedures, the JALLC's outreach engagement team, and the two online Lessons Learned platforms the JALLC is responsible for managing and maintaining: the NATO Lessons Learned Portal and the NATO Exercise Training and Analysis (EXTRA) Portal. Major General Bevis in particular praised the success of the NATO EXTRA Portal , which recently reached a landmark 500 000 hits since its launch in January 2015.