
The NATO Lessons Learned Fall Week 2022 was held in Lisbon from 08 to 11 November 2022 and brought NATO Lessons Learned Community together to discuss relevant topics and set the Lessons Learned agenda for the coming period.

During the LL Fall Week, the NATO Lessons Learned Working Group (LLWG) met in three different formats: one at the NATO Command Structure level, one at the Allied Command Operations level, and the trilateral working group which included HQ SACT, SHAPE, and the JALLC. These meetings were chaired by the HQ SACT and conducted in a hybrid (live-virtual) format allowing greater participation across NATO. Topics discussed covered the NATO Lessons Learned Capability Improvement Roadmap, the Lessons Learned Battle Rhythm, the JALLC Programme of Work for next year, the improvements implemented in the NATO Lessons Learned Portal (NLLP) and the preparation of the upcoming meetings of the NATO Lessons Learned Steering Group (LLSG) and the NATO Lessons Learned Steering Board (LLSB).

Three key reports were presented: the NLLP Active Content Management Annual Report, the NATO Command Structure HQ LL Capability Assessment Analysis Annual Report, and the NATO Lessons Learned Conference 2022 (NLLC22) Report.

You can download these reports from the NLLP(Login required). P1110519.JPGP1110484.JPG