
P1110432.JPGToday marks the start of the annual Lessons Learned (LL) Fall Week hosted by the JALLC both onsite at our facilities in Lisbon, Portugal, and virtually for those members of the community who cannot be physically present. The LL Fall Week is co-chaired by representatives from both of NATO’s Strategic Commands and offers an opportunity to discuss and coordinate key topics relating to NATO’s LL Capability that are relevant for the whole of the NATO Lessons Learned Community.


P1110429.JPGThe JALLC's Commander noted that, ", more than ever, we must work to ensure that we continue to capture our best practices and lessons learned for a more efficient and effective organization for the future." The LL Fall Week is held over four days from 08 to 11 November and the outcomes will be taken forward to inform Lessons Learned decision-making for the coming year.




You can find out more about the JALLC’s LL activities here and on the NATO LL Portal.