JALLC Civilian Analyst Nigel Branston attended the 10th NATO Counter-Improvised Explosive Devices (C-IED) Conference hosted by NATO's C-IED Centre of Excellence in Madrid, Spain from 24 to 26 June 2015, and delivered a briefing on the JALLC's recent Attack the Networks (AtN) analysis report which was published on 12 May 2015.
Keynote speaker MGEN Julie Beltz, Vice-Director of JIEDDO, opened the conference, referencing the JALLC AtN Report stating that, "The JALLC AtN report from May provides really good information and recommendations for the future of AtN in NATO." In addition, NATO International Staff and International Military Staff Representatives (Ms. Perret and COL Fernandes who acted as Customer Representatives for the JALLC AtN study) praised the JALLC AtN report for its in-depth analysis, conclusions and recommendations, and excellent structure and logic. These sentiments were echoed by the Supreme Allied Command Transformation’s C-IED specialist, Mr. Rubsamen.
The NATO C-IED Conference is intended to bring together C-IED experts from NATO and Nations, update participants on the latest C-IED related developments, discuss and debate issues and challenges, and agree on future activity. Approximately 100 attendees from NATO and Nations joined the Conference.