On 27 March 2012, staff and 20 students attending the German General/Admiral Staff Officer’s Course from the German Armed Forces Command and Staff College, Hamburg/Germany, visited the Joint Analysis and Lesson Learned Centre ( JALLC). The students, officers from a number of countries including Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, France, Poland and Belgium, visited the JALLC as part of their educational trip to Madrid and Lisbon. The visiting party was led by Rear Admiral Martin Krebs, the Deputy Commandant and Director of Courses at the Command and Staff College.
Rear Admiral Krebs conducted an office call with the Commander JALLC, Brigadier General Peter Sonneby. Following lunch, the acting Chief of Staff, Colonel Frederic Curtaz, delivered the first of a series of presentations that covered a number of topics such as the JALLC mission, structure and tasks. Additionally, a number of project managers gave briefings of their respective projects. The final presentation of the day was given by COM JALLC, who briefed the high level METRICS project to the course.
Prior to departure, Rear Admiral Krebs expressed his thanks to BGen Sonneby for his hospitality and laying on a comprehensive programme. Rear Admiral Krebs stressed the importance that the students understood the significant role that the JALLC has within JALLC and encouraged the students to utilize JALLC’s expertise where appropriate.