On Wednesday 18 April 2012, Allied Command Transformation Chief of Staff, Vice Admiral Tony Johnstone-Burt, visited the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre ( JALLC).
Vice Admiral Johnstone-Burt began at the JALLC with a warm welcome by the JALLC Commander, Brigadier General Peter Sonneby. After the office call he walked the building and was introduced to all available staff members. During the introductions the VADM was updated on JALLC’s current activities and objectives. He delivered an insightful brief to JALLC’s staff regarding the future of ACT and fielded several astute questions from the audience. He expressed his appreciation for the productivity and determination of the JALLC’s staff in providing beneficial analyses and maintaining an excellent reputation within NATO. This was followed by a working lunch at the mess Monsanto where the focus and the future challenges of the JALLC where briefed by Brigadier General Sonneby. Vice Admiral Tony Johnstone-Burt concluded his visit by signing the JALLC Book of Honour.
Prior to departure, Rear Admiral Krebs expressed his thanks to BGen Sonneby for his hospitality and laying on a comprehensive programme. Rear Admiral Krebs stressed the importance that the students understood the significant role that the JALLC has within JALLC and encouraged the students to utilize JALLC’s expertise where appropriate.