As part of the assuming the command process, Col Mircea Mîndrescu, the new JALLC Commander, paid a working visit to the SACT HQ, in Norfolk, between 4 and 6 September. The visit’s programme included the attendance of the DSACT Change of Command Ceremony and, also, a host of Office Call meetings, the most important of with being with the SACT, France Air Force General Jean Paul Paloméros.
In his directions and guidance, SACT expressed his full appreciation regarding the high quality products that JALLC has always been offering and reiterated the importance he is associating with the analysis and lessons learned activity. Also, he made his thoughts regarding the JALLC place in the overall ACT picture known. Colonel Mîndrescu used the occasion to present a very short update about where JALLC is and what are the JALLC’s needs.
The other Office Calls offered Colonel Mîndrescu opportunities to receive necessary directions and guidance and to inform about JALLC achievements and the support JALLC requires.