Earlier this week, Admiral Pierre Vandier received the command of Allied Command Transformation in the traditional change of command ceremony, attended by the JALLC’s own commander,
Yesterday, following the change of command, and in order to properly introduce himself, the new SACT, General Vandier, invited the staff of the JALLC, the Joint Warfare Centre and the Joint Force Training Centre—the three joint commands (also known as the JJJs) that, together with HQ SACT, make up Allied Command Transformation—to join him in a more informal, virtual address that was broadcast live to each of the three commands. The staff got to hear a bit more about SACT himself, and his plans for the next years, as well as how the JJJs will play critical role in the wider objectives of ACT.
You can read more about the change of command ceremony and about General Pierre Vandier on the ACT website here.