
20240917 NATO OPC visited the JALLC (86a).jpgThe Operations Policy Committee (OPC) plays a lead role in the development and implementation of operations-related policy. It aims to provide coherent and timely advice to the North Atlantic Council, to which it reports directly. It also seeks to enhance collaboration between the political and military sides of NATO Headquarters. All member countries are represented on this committee and on 17 September, in the context of the OPC’s engagement at Exercise REPMUS (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping augmented by Maritime Unmanned Systems)—a Portuguese-led exercise which focuses on maritime unmanned system experimentation, capability development and interoperability—they took the opportunity to visit the JALLC and find out more about our activities and products20240917 NATO OPC visited the JALLC (84a).jpg

In particular, the OPC was interested in finding out more about the JALLC’s activities to enable NATO to learn from Russia’s war against Ukraine. The OPC was briefed on our various analysis and Lessons Learned summary reports for NATO that are being used to inform NATO doctrine and exercises.  They also heard about our multiple engagements supporting our Ukrainian counterparts in understanding NATO’s approach to Lessons Learned and supporting the development of their national lessons learned capability.  They also discovered more about the JALLC-Ukraine Initiative which is currently serving the LL- and wider NATO community in the context of learning lesson from Russia’s war against Ukraine, but will also be able to provide support and contribute to the new NATO-Ukraine Joint Analysis, Training, and Education Centre, approved at the Washington Summit earlier this year.20240917 NATO OPC visited the JALLC (89).JPG

After a further short briefing on the wider scope of the JALLC’s activities, members of the OPC engaged with JALLC senior staff in a question and answer session, providing further opportunity for the OPC to understand what the JALLC does for NATO and how our activities and products contribute to NATO’s adaptation and improvement.

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We’d like to thank the OPC for taking the time find out about the JALLC and NATO’s Lessons Learned Capability and we look forward to engaging with the Committee in the future.