The JALLC is pleased to announce the publication of the 4th edition of the NATO Lessons Learned Handbook. This edition aligns the Handbook with current key Lessons Learned documentation as well as the recent updates to the NATO Lessons Learned Portal and the latest thinking on Lessons Learned in NATO. Although there are lots of changes to the layout and content of the Handbook, the purpose remains the same: to guide and assist Lessons Learned practitioners in fulfilling their role in supporting NATO to effectively learn from experience. Although the Handbook uses NATO's approach to Lessons Learned as the underlying model, it has been written to be relevant to any organization.

Topics covered include:

What do we mean by Lessons Learned?
An overview of the NATO Lessons Learned Capability;
NATO Lessons Learned Process Analysis Phase;
NATO Lessons Learned Process Implementation Phase; and
NATO Lessons Learned Information Sharing.
