The NATO STRATCOM Commander's Handbok Workshop had been held at the JALLC facilities, in Reduto Gomes Freire, Oeiras, the previous location of JFC Lisbon, between 2 and 6 of June. The aim of the workshop was to continue the production of the handbook, which intends to be a helpful tool to every commander in NATO, for approaching Strategic Communications.
Due to various factors, since then the Ukrainian crisis, the number of participants was a bit lower than initially predicted. There were 11 STRATCOM expertise people, representing seven NATO and National headquarters, as well as two important Projects, MNIOE and MCDC.
Due to the excellent conditions available at Reduto Gomes Freire, which also includes a Mess Hall for the regular meals and other facilities, as well as the support provided with daily transportation to and from the compound, the event got big thumbs up from everyone and some of the participants are now looking forward to use the JALLC facilities in Oeiras for bigger events.