
On Monday, 21 November, the Senior Delegate to NATO and European Armed Forces of the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC), Mr Aleardo Ferretti visited the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre ( JALLC) in Lisbon, Portugal.
As the new ICRC’s Senior Delegate to NATO, Mr. Ferretti, wished to learn more about NATO’s Lessons Learned Process and options to support pre-deployment training. He was welcomed by members of the JALLC Command Group and was briefed on the JALLC’s role, capabilities and current activities.
The main discussion points were the offer of ICRC SME’s to engage into NATO training and exercises and to explore options to exchange lessons to enhance doctrine and policy. JALLC introduced the main stakeholders in training and exercises, the Joint Warfare Centre and Joint Force Training Centre where further exploration of options should be addressed.
During the visit specific JALLC projects were presented which seemed to be of interest to interact with the ICRC. It was agreed that JALLC and ICRC want to explore venues for exchanging lessons and to continue the interesting and fruitful sharing of experiences.