
The JALLC is excited to announce that the next iteration of the NATO Lessons Learned Conference will take place over 2-3 days during the week of 15-19 April 2024. The conference will be held in the Lisbon area and will return to the traditional on-site, live, in-person format. The exact dates will be provided in a formal “Save the Date” announcement by end of October 2023 with the full details about the conference to be provided early next year.

During this event, representatives from NATO Allies, Partners, academia, and industry will discuss how the NATO LL Capability can support NATO efforts to enhance LL sharing among Allies and accelerate the digital transformation of Lessons Learned in NATO in the context of the NATO 2030 Agenda. The framework for these discussions will be set in a series of presentations and panel discussions around the theme: "NATO LL Capability Development in support of NATO 2030 efforts."

As always, the NATO Lessons Learned Conference is intended to foster open discussions among the Lessons Learned community and provide opportunities for sharing and learning from each other’s experiences and expertise in order to encourage the continuous transformation of the Alliance. We invite the entire Lessons Learned Community to attend and contribute to the many discussions during this iteration of the NATO Lessons Learned Conference.

We look forward to seeing you there! ​​​​​​








Pictures: From the 2022 iteration of the NATO Lessons Learned Conference with the Theme "20 years of Learning" in the context of the JALLC's twentieth anniversary