
The JALLC is excited to announce that the next NATO Lessons Learned Conference will be held virtually from 16-18 March 2021. During the three-day online event, representatives from NATO Allies, Partners, academia, and industry will present and discuss their experiences with the Lessons Learned Capability in the past year of the COVID-19 crisis, through a series of presentations and panel discussions with the theme, "NATO Lessons Learned in a global crisis: what did we learn and how can we do better?"

As always, the NATO Lessons Learned Conference intends to foster vivid discussion and learning to encourage the continuous transformation of the Alliance. We invite the entire NATO Community to attend and contribute to the many discussions during the Conference by using the online Conference platform. More details on the conference platform to come with the Calling Letter.

Registration for the Conference is required and will take place on the NATO Lessons Learned Portal.

We look forward to seeing you there!