On 11 January 2017, the JALLC received 60 Portuguese Navy First Lieutenants, who are currently attending the 2016-2017 Portuguese Navy's Senior Officer Promotion Course. The officers, who will earn their rank of at the end of the course, received a comprehensive briefing on Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned processes and activities within NATO, as well as on the JALLC's goals, tasks, and on how it operates.
The officers had also the opportunity to interact directly with the JALLC's Commander Brigadier General Mário Barreto, asking questions and showing great interest in the way the Alliance identifies, analyses, and implements lessons as well as in the role of the JALLC in the Lessons Learned Process.
Upon completion of their course, these officers will enter a new phase in their military careers, shifting the focus of their duties away from the tactical toward the operational and strategic level. It is therefore crucial for them to understand the Lessons Learned Process in military operations, in order to be able to apply it during their careers, ultimately contributing to, not only their nation's transformation in this respect, but also to the Alliance's transformation more generally.