On 18 January 2017, the Portuguese Navy Directorate of Archives and Information Management (Direção de Arquivos e Gestão de Informação (DAGI) visited the JALLC. The aim of the visit was to exchange experiences in the area of Information and Knowledge Management (IKM), data and documents lifecycle, and Process Management. The DAGI Director, CMG António Silva Monteiro and ten more Portuguese Navy Officers from different areas within the directorate were welcomed by Commander JALLC, Brigadier General Mário Barreto, who expressed his appreciation for this kind of initiative regarding information and expertise exchange.
The JALLC's Information Management and Communication Information Services (IM&CIS) Branch briefed the party on how NATO and the JALLC manages information and what tools are being used for this purpose; in particular the NATO Lessons Learned Portal (NLLP) and the NATO EXTRA Portal (NXP) were presented to the group. The briefing was followed by an open discussion on more detailed aspects of Information and Data Management.
Finally, Commander JALLC expressed the willingness to collaborate and share the JALLC's experience with the Portuguese Armed Forces as much as with any other NATO Nation. The visit ended with the traditional signing of the book of honour where the party expressed their satisfaction for this opportunity and plaques as a souvenir from the visit were exchanged.