
On April 20, 2023, the JALLC received a visit from the Portuguese Flag Officers/General Officers Promotion Course 2022/2023. This important course includes a visit to the JALLC in order to ensure participants are aware of the JALLC’s activities, its role in NATO, and how the JALLC contributes to NATO’s ability to learn and transform from experience.

The visiting group included the Course Director, Brigadier General Rui Romão, 7 Navy Captains, 13 Army Colonels, 5 Air Force Colonels and 2 National Guard Colonels. The Course also includes officers from Brazil (7 officers) and Mozambique (2 officers).

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The Course Director and Course Representative Student first had an office call with Commander of the JALLC, Commodore Fernando Artilheiro, following which all participants were briefed by the JALLC’s Commander on its strategic relevance, organization, responsibilities, and activities.

The officers also had the opportunity to interact directly with the JALLC’s Commander and its Heads of Division, asking questions and showing great interest in how the Alliance identifies, analyses, and implements lessons, as well as the role of the JALLC in the NATO Lessons Learned Process.


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