On 15 January 2015, JALLC organised, at his home base in Monsanto, Lisbon, a NATO – Portugal New Year's Informal Gathering. The aim of this event was to help straighten the bonds between the top Portuguese Military Heads and the NATO Bodies based in Portugal with a view to improve the cooperation between them.
This important event was honoured with the presence of the Portuguese Chief Of Defence, General Artur Pina Monteiro, the Chief Of Staff of the Portuguese Air Force, General José Araújo Pinheiro, the Chief Of Staff of the Portuguese Navy, Admiral Luis Macieira Fragoso, the Chief Of Staff of the Portuguese Army, General Carlos Hernadez Jerónimo, all with their Chiefs of Cabinet, the Commander STRIKFORNATO, Admiral James Foggo, with both the Deputy Commander and the Chief Of Staff, and the Commander of Comando Aéreo, compound hosting JALLC, Lieutenant General João Lopes da Silva.