Next week the NATO Lessons Learned Conference 2024 (NLLC24) kicks off in Lisbon, Portugal.
The agenda for the event is packed with interesting topics relating to the theme: NATO Lessons Learned Capability Development in support of NATO 2030 Efforts. And of course, there are a few surprises planned along the way.
This year the conference extends over two days, with pre- and post-conference days for specific communities to get more in-depth information on specific topics and/or to deep dive into their specialized areas in the context of Lessons Learned.
With three panels covering the main theme and a range of updates and “spotlights” on Nations and topics, this year’s iteration of the conference promises to be every bit as informative and enlightening as expected.
With NATO and National key leaders on stage addressing participants on topics such as Lessons Learned in the Digital Age and LL Sharing and Interoperability, the output from the conference will be captured in a report intended to inform decision-making on the way ahead for Lessons Learned in NATO.
There are a few surprises in store for participants, so make sure to check in here at the end of every day to get the headlines and highlights from the days presentations and discussions.
To get you started, hit play to get an idea of what NATO Lessons Learned Conferences are all about.