
On Monday, 8 November 2010, MGen Badet the Military Representative Swiss Mission to NATO, visited the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre in Lisbon, Portugal.
The purpose of the visit was to become familiar with the activities, organisation and challenges of the JALLC and MGen Badet expressed a particular interest in the topic of PSE and therefore he requested an interview with the JALLC PSE member from Austria, LTC Paul Handle.

After a welcome by the Chief of Staff, Colonel Joao Barbas, MGen Badet was briefed on the role and capabilities of the JALLC and during the discussion it was explained how a partner country like CHE could benefit from the Lessons Learned from the JALLC. The briefing was followed by an interview with the JALLC PSE member LTC Paul Handle.

MGen Badet expressed his appreciation for the visit and he concluded his visit by signing the JALLC Book of Honour.