
On Monday July 7th, 2014 a delegation from the Latvian Armed Forces visited the JALLC. The aim of the visit was to explore areas where the JALLC could support the development of the nascent Latvian Lessons Learned capability.

The delegation, led by Colonel Eriks Naglis LVA A, was welcomed by Commander JALLC, Brigadier General Mircea Mîndrescu, who promised Latvia JALLC's full support and resources in their endeavours to develop their LL capability. The JALLC Advisory and Training Team ( JATT), led by Cdr Michael Kleibaum, conducted several detailed briefings, culminating in a period of fruitful discussions wherein the delegation and JATT agreed a way ahead to support a capability development plan. Key areas of development include capacity-building training, advice on technical support to lesson management, policy-drafting assistance and overall programme management support.

The JALLC Chief Of Staff, Colonel Jorge Gomes, presented the guests with a JALLC plaque and individual gifts, before the delegation returned to Riga.