
The JALLC is part of Allied Command Transformation (ACT), one of NATO’s two Strategic Commands.  ACT’s mission is to contribute to preserving the peace, security and territorial integrity of Alliance member states by leading the warfare development of military structures, forces, capabilities, and doctrines. The JALLC contributes to this mission through its own activities which feed into ACT’s four principal functions: Strategic thinking; Development of capabilities; Education, training and exercises; and, Co-operation and engagement.

Last week the JALLC had the oDCOS JFD visit the JALLC.jpgpportunity to engage with ACT leadership during a visit from Rear Admiral Placido Torresi, DCOS Joint Force Development for HQ Supreme Allied Commander Transformation (SACT), at our facilities here in Lisbon, Portugal.  JALLC also hosted a virtual visit for ACT Leadership which included General Philippe Lavigne and his team at HQ SACT as well as representatives from the Joint Warfare Centre and the Joint Force Training Centre. Both events were intended to ensure that the JALLC and the HQ SACT are well-aligned when it comes to the JALLC’s mission and its activities, ensuring that the JALLC continues to deliver the high-quality products the Alliance has come to expect from the organization, and ACT Leadership are fully aware of the JALLC’s capabilities and abilities. Events like these are critical to ensure that the whole of ACT remains coherent and efficient in terms of delivering key concepts for NATO such as the NATO Warfighting Capstone Concept and the Warfare Development Agenda, two of ACT’s key focus areas for 2023 and beyond.

Both visits, live andDCOS JFD visit the JALLC.jpg virtual, were a great success and afforded ACT Leadership the opportunity to catch up with the JALLC and what it does, ask questions about the JALLC’s current activities and work strands, as well as understand relevant challenges the JALLC faces. 

If you would like to take a virtual visit of the JALLC and understand a bit more about what we do, you can watch the videos in this article.