As part of NATO’s Lessons Learned Engagement Plan for 2018, the JALLC participated in the Workshop “Analysis Makes the Difference” organized and hosted by the Civil-Military Centre of Excellence (CCOE) from 16-18 October 2018 in The Hague, the Netherlands.
The aim of the workshop was to strengthen the cooperation between the military and civilian spheres by enhancing mutual trust and confidence between NATO, its partners, and other international actors. One of the workshop’s syndicates focused on Lessons Learned and comprised a three-day training course, delivered by the JALLC Advisory and Training Team (JATT).
The goal of the training was to enhance the participants’ awareness of the NATO Lessons Learned Process and Tools and to explain the importance of information sharing with the aim of fostering cooperation and to improving the CIMIC activities.
Throughout the training, 17 participants from both military and civilian institutions, as well as Academia, got acquainted with the NATO Lessons Learned Capability and Process, and had a chance to familiarize themselves with basic analysis techniques applied to Lessons Learned scenarios.
The event was a valuable opportunity to strengthen and enlarge the LL community and network within NATO and with some of the players that cooperate with it in the CIMIC environment.