At the request of the Azerbaijan International Military Cooperation Department, the JALLC Advisory and Training Team (JATT) provided a three-day Lessons Learned (LL) training course at the General Staff Academy in Baku, Azerbaijan from 24 to 29 September 2018.
20 officers of all services attended the course. The main objective was to create awareness and provide insight into the NATO LL Capability. The course participants were a highly motivated, spirited, and engaged audience. One of the course speakers was Lieutenant Colonel Azer Movsumov, a representative of the LL Branch within the G5 of the Azerbaijan Armed Forces. He gave an informative presentation about Azerbaijan national LL capability.
Since the establishment of the Azerbaijan Armed Forces LL Branch in 2013, both the JALLC and the Azerbaijan Armed Forces LL Branch have maintained keep a close relationship which was emphasized in January 2017 with the posting of Major Ahmad Huseynov, from the Azerbaijan Armed Forces LL Branch, to the JALLC as a LL Staff Officer.