
In an age of misinformation, disinformation, fake news and media-bias, it can sometimes be difficult to decide what can and can’t be relied on in terms of information being reported in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine. Moreover, the sheer amount of information being produced on the topic can be overwhelming. A quick Google search (0.34 seconds) for “lessons from Ukraine war” is enough to throw up approximately 31,400.00 results.

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To support NATO staff in search of relevant lessons information on Russia’s war against Ukraine, the JALLC-UKR Initiative set up the JALLC-UKR Initiative Information Centre.[1]  The Info Centre is hosted on the NATO Lessons Learned Portal as a Community of Interest, which allows NATO and National staff to register for full access through their regular NATO Lessons Learned Portal account. It functions as a searchable repository, allowing members to search for, upload, and download relevant information
such as reports, lessons, and papers. 

NLLP page JALLC-UKR Initiative.PNG

The information available ranges from NATO documents such as directives and JALLC analysis reports to publically available information such as reports from reputable industry and academic specialist such as the RAND Corporation and the Royal United Services Institute. All of the information provided in the JALLC-UKR Initiative Information Centre, has been reviewed by
our specialist analysts and included because it is deemed
relevant for NATO and National related work.

As mentioned above, one of the great benefits of the JALLC-UKR Initiative Information Centre is that it is interactive. NATO and National staff can submit information to be assessed by the JALLC-UKR Lessons Analysis Team and, if suitable, included in the Information Centre. This dynamic approach to using the community of interest to ensure the quality and quantity of information available in the Information Centre is of the highest standard and the most relevant, also show cases this key feature of the NATO Lessons Learned Portal, which is available to any community of interest in NATO.

20240415to18 NLLC24 (551).jpgAnother useful feature of the JALLC-UKR Initiative Information Centre is that it serves as a centralized network for its users, providing contact details of relevant points of contact as well as listing related upcoming events. These features will allow users to use the JALLC-UKR Initiative Information Centre as a one-stop-shop for all of their Russia-UKR related lessons needs. During the NATO Lessons Learned Conference, which took place earlier this year, members of the JALLC-UKR Initiative analyst team briefed the audience on the project and the Information Centre (Pictured right).

The JALLC is constantly looking for innovative ways to help NATO be more efficient and effective in harnessing past experiences to adapt and transform for the future. The JALLC-UKR Initiative and its Information Centre look set to contribute to NATO’s efforts to support the Ukrainian
Armed Forces now and in the future.


[1] In this article, we refer to the JALLC-UKR Initiative Information Centre that is available to NATO and National Staff with an appropriate security clearance via the NATO Lessons Learned Portal on the classified system. There is an unclassified version of the Information Centre available on the public version of the NATO Lessons Learned Portal HERE, which is limited to unclassified and publically available material.