
As part of NATO's Lessons Learned Engagement Plan for 2019, the JALLC Advisory and Training Team (JATT) conducted a three day Lessons Learned (LL) training course from 18 to 20 March at the Allied Rapid Reaction Corps (ARRCHQ, Innsworth, United Kingdom.

HQ ARRC provides NATO with a rapidly deployable, flexible HQ that can act as a Joint, Land, or Corps HQ for operations and crisis response. Its multi-national ethos, combination of cultures and innovation, strong professional reputation, and proven track record in interoperability-including probably being the most pet friendly HQ within NATO-are unique among its High Readiness Force (Land) peers. In addition to HQ ARRC, SACEUR has eight Graduated Readiness Forces (Land) HQs under SHAPE’s operational command. Several of these HQs have taken turns in the past commanding the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan, and have also taken turns providing the 12-month rotating Land Component Command or Joint Task Force headquarters for the NATO Response Force (NRF). The ARRC relinquished its responsibilities as the land component of the NRF on 10 January 2018 to NATO Rapid Deployable Corps - Italy. When not in role as the NRF, the ARRC may be required to mobilise to assist the standing NRF, becoming an intermediary HQNATO's long term formation rotation plan allows HQs like the ARRC to prepare and remain focused.

The LL training course was attended by 16 students from various services and with different subject matter expertise. The main objective of the course was to provide the Training Audience with an overview of the NATO LL Capability, the NATO LL Process, LL in exercises and operations, and the development and implementation of a Lesson Collection Plan and Action Plan. Moreover attendees were familiarized with the NATO LL Portal, including guidance on writing Observations, and analysis techniques. Real life examples, practical work, success stories, and challenges of a LL management system were included in the training sessions to ensure they were understood and practiced. HQ ARRC G7 LL Staff Officers had the opportunity to present the HQ ARRC LL Process and Lessons Identified Collect Tool (LICT), which have been used as the main means to collect, track, manage and share LL within HQ ARRC. In parallel with the LL training course, Key Leader Training was conducted, attended by 12 officers and one Flag Officer from Command Group.

The JALLC training event was a valuable opportunity to strengthen the LL community within HQ ARRC. It provided a common understanding on how NATO is a continuously learning organization and highlighted the importance and benefits of sharing lessons.