One of the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC) activities is Outreach. Outreach activities aim to raise awareness of the NATO Lessons Learned Capability and how it contributes to the Alliance transformation across NATO and among Allies, Partners, and other organizations.
In this context, the JALLC supported the Romanian Lessons Learned Staff Officer Course, organized by the Training and Doctrine Directorate of the Romanian Defence Staff.
The Romanian Lessons Learned Staff Officer Course is designed to train Lessons Learned specialists to support continued and improved implementation of the Lessons Learned Capability. The course took place in Bucharest, between 18 February and 01 March and was attended by 13 students from various Romanian Military HQs. The JALLC representative briefed the audience on aspects related to innovation in Lessons Learned as well as on how new technologies could be used in support of Lessons Learned and supported the relevant syndicate discussions.
In another outreach engagement this month, the JALLC engaged with FIEP (an International Association of National Gendarmeries and Police Forces with Military Status). The JALLC was invited to address the FIEP International Affairs Commission, which got together to discuss the topic “Preparing for future international missions: organizing time for reflection”, on 12 March 2019 in Lisbon, Portugal. At the address, the JALLC presented NATO's perspective on Lessons Learned, while exchanging thoughts and experiences with the participants. The presentation was welcomed with great interest and raised a lively discussion on the creation of a similar Lessons Learned capability within the FIEP.