
On 23 November, the Joint Analysis and Lessons Learned Centre (JALLC) was visited by ambassadors and embassy representatives of fifteen NATO Nations, and future member, Finland. During the JALLC’s 20th Anniversary Celebrations, many Ambassadors within the Diplomatic Corps showed their interest in learning more about the JALLC and its mission.  With the aim of strengthening and maintaining good relations with NATO nations, the Commander of the JALLC, Fernando Artilheiro, noted in his welcome address that new relations will be built while existing relations will be further strengthened for the good of the Alliance now and in the future.

Upon their arrival, the Diplomats and representatives were welcomed by the Commander of JALLC, the JALLC’s Chief of Staff, and two Division Heads. During the event, the diplomats and representatives received individual briefings on the JALLC’s mission, its role in sharing LessonsP1110734.JPG Learned, the "outreach" activities through the JALLC Training and Advisory Team (JATT), and the NATO Lessons Learned Portal (NLLP).

The Commander of JALLC highlighted the importance of situational awareness and answered the questions directed by the Diplomats and representatives who were very pleased after the individual briefings.