On 09 February 2016, Commodore João Aresta, Maritime Command (MARCOM) Deputy Chief of Staff Plans and Navy Captain Johannes Schmidt-Thomée, Centre of Excellence Confined and Shallow Waters (COE CSW) Executive Director visited the JALLC accompanied (respectively) by Commander Jean Baptiste Carpentier, Evaluation and Lessons Learned Branch head and Commander Mike Kleibaum, Training and Analysis Branch.
The purpose of the visit was the exchange of information among all three organizations with the intent to explore the possibility of closer cooperation regarding improving the Lessons Learned process in terms of maritime operations and exercises. The visit began with a short office call with the JALLC's Commander, Brigadier General Mircea Mîndrescu, and was duly followed by briefings from the JALLC and both visiting parties which led to an active exchange of ideas on the improvement of the Lessons Learned process specifically with regard to maritime affairs.
Representatives from HQ MARCOM and the COE CSW expressed their gratitude for the warm welcome and interesting briefings and looked forward to the continued close cooperation with the JALLC.